Kids (and adults) do well if they can.


A variety of specialized presentations are available for teachers and parents. Adult presentations teach the Collaborative Problem Solving® model that supports children’s mental health, helps build cognitive and problem-solving skills, and improves understanding and confidence, reducing stress and enhancing interactions at home and at school.
”When Plan A Doesn’t Work” CPS – A new way of understanding and dealing with problem behaviours

The seventy-five minute teacher presentation deals with Collaborative Problem Solving®, supporting children’s mental health, building student skills and staff-student relationships, anti- bullying/mistreatment strategies and building a positive school culture. Although the presentations are directed to CPS use in schools and classrooms, the impact goes beyond the school and carries over into home life and future relationships.

Learning Goals

  • The philosophy of Collaborative Problem Solving®
  • The three plans for dealing with challenging behaviour
  • How CPS can teach important skills, build a helping relationship and support mental health
  • Practise the Plan B conversation

We use examples relating specifically to the school environment.

“You don’t need control, you need a relationship”

A. Overview Workshop For parents: “Stop Arguing With Your Kids” CPS – A new way of understanding and dealing with problem behaviour.

This ninety minute presentation is perfect for School Councils and organizations that are interested in introductory exposure to Collaborative Problem Solving®. This workshop is not designed for mastery, but is intended to provide a foundational understanding and an invitation to ongoing support.

The ninety minute parent presentation deals with Collaborative Problem Solving®, strategies that support children’s mental health, building cognitive and problem solving skills, enhancing parent-child relationships and building understanding and confidence so as to reduce parent stress and enhance interactions at home.

Learning Goals

  • The philosophy of Collaborative Problem Solving®
  • Maintaining a calm approach
  • The three plans for dealing with challenging behaviour
  • How CPS can teach important skills, build a helping relationship and support mental health
  • Practise the Plan B conversation

We use examples relating specifically to the home environment.

B. Half Day Introduction to CPS
A half-day introduction to Collaborative Problem Solving® offers a deeper look at the principles and strategies involved with the approach. Half-day sessions are not designed for mastery, but provide a deeper level of understanding than the ninety minute introductory workshops.

Learning Goals

  • The philosophy of Collaborative Problem Solving®
  • Maintaining a calm approach
  • The three plans for dealing with challenging behaviour
  • How CPS can teach important skills, build a helping relationship and support mental health
  • Practise the Plan B conversation

We use examples relating specifically to the home environment.