Kids (and adults) do well if they can.

Helping Kids and Adults Be the Best They Can Be
Chris Alexiou works with families and schools to help parents and teachers build the cognitive skills kids need for a happier more peaceful family life and successful school experience.
How Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS) Helps
CPS requires us to change how we view and work with our children presenting challenging behaviours.
Identify the specific situations in which challenging behaviours are likely to occur.
Reduce or eliminate challenging behaviour by solving the problems that cause them.
Solve problems collaboratively.
Help your child develop the skills to be more flexible, solve problems, and handle frustration more adaptively.
Build or restore the helping relationship with your child
We offer various presentations for teachers and parents that teach Collaborative Problem Solving®, support children’s mental health, build cognitive and problem solving skills, and improve understanding, communication and confidence. These programs help to reduce stress and enhance interactions at home and at school.
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Parent support includes Collaborative Problem Solving® coaching, managing challenging behaviour at home and in the community, problem-solving around school issues and working with the school system.
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Now Available!
Is your school a caring community where success – for ALL students – is not only possible, but actually expected? Find out what can be done to help all students succeed, as you read about how Chris Alexiou, during his 35 year career as a teacher and school principal, applied Collaborative Problem Solving® to achieve exactly that.
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